Admission Process of Sita Children Academy Inter College
Play Group:
Minimum age of the child should be three plus. General and Oral test about the knowledge of alphabets, colours etc.
L.K.G. & U.K.G.
For Kindergarten – Admission will be given at the age of 4+. Test will be taken about the complete knowledge of difference meanings, spelling, heading and writing.
Class 1st to 12th
Admission will be given only after taking test in English, Hindi and Maths and others.
Admission Rules
1. Prospectus and Registration Forms for admission from Play Group to Class XII, are available from the School Office from the 1st week of December of the current year.
2. These forms duly filled, along with, Date of Birth Certificate, Photocopy of last Report Card (when required), must be returned to the College Office, within the stipulated period.
3. Admission will depend entirely on the Principal, who may accept or reject any admission form without assigning any reason.
4. Candidates selected for admission will deposit the admission fees and Transfer Certificates in Original (where ever applicable by the stipulated date or will stand rejected)
5. All admissions should be made by Parents/Guardians who will be responsible for timely payment of fees.
6. Admission Fees and Monthly Fees are subject to change every year.
7. All correspondence must be addressed to school office.
Rules of the Monthly Fee
1. Fees should be paid in CASH at the SCHOOL OFFICE ONLY, from 1st to 15th of each month, failing which a fine of Rs. 50/- will be charged per month per installment from 16th to 28th. No cheques will be accepted.
2. Parents may deposit the fees in advance if they wish.
3. If the student fails to pay the fees in the THREE CONSECUTIVE MONTHS, the child’s name shall be struck off the School Rolls. Hence Parents/Guardians, who are facing a personal financial crisis, should place an application before the Principal, prior to this taking place.
4. The students will be readmitted on a payment of `100/- as re-admission fee.
5. No student will be allowed to appear in the examination if the total dues are not cleared.
6. Parents/ Guardians are responsible to deposit the exact amount of fees.
7. Parents/Guardians wishing to withdraw their children, must give an application, one month in advance, along with Rs. 200/-, else one month’s tuition fee plus Rs.200/- will be charged in lieu of notice.
1. Promotion to the next class, depends on performance in assessments and examinations held during the course of the whole year and not on the performance in the final examination only.
2. K.G. to Class XII will be assessed in Aug./Nov./Feb. Nursery will be assessed in Nov./Feb.
3. A student missing an examination, cannot appear for it at a later date.
4. Answer scripts will be shown to students only on a fixed date.
5. Answer scripts will not be shown to Parents (VI to VIII). However a parent may give an application for the rechecking of a script, to the Principal, on the payment of Rs. 100/- per script.
6. Report Cards will not be issued if fees are in arrears.
7. A students who fails two years in the same class, will not be allowed to continue in the School.
8. Absence due to illness, must be supported by an application and a Medical Certificate from a registered medical practitioner.
9. 85% attendance is mandatory for promotion to the next class.
10. The decision made by the Principal, in consultation with the concerned teachers is final.
Admission Process of Sita Inter College